Sunday 5 September 2010

Basset Hounds, Babies and Big Feet

I am going to give you all a little break from my holiday photos to show you a few customised orders that were delivered during the summer. It seems like quite some time since I created these cards but the kids are now back at school after the long two month break so I dare say there will be a lot more creative work going on in my little space from now on - putting aside the fact that we have a bunch of Jewish holidays coming up very soon and therefore more days off school!The customer who ordered this card was kind enough to show it off to her friends before she took it to Australia. One friend was so keen that she contacted me and asked whether I could make a card for her sister in South Africa who was soon to become a new mum. A scan had shown that her baby had very big feet, so I was asked to create a card showing mum and dad and their soon-to-be-born big-footed son! I tried to not make it too obvious or ugly though as my customer did not want to upset or offend her sister! The family's beloved Basset Hound also joined the group, above.
There were so many hobbies to include on this 60th birthday card! Made for a local customer, I was told that grandma is always flying back and forth between Jerusalem, London and Glasgow. She is always baking cakes and biscuits with her apron on. She enjoys swimming in an outdoor pool and is handy on the sewing machine. Was that all? The design came together quite nicely and I was actually easily able to fit everything in.
The very same customer also wanted a 65th birthday card for her father-in-law. He is from Sunderland, now lives in London but likes to be in his flat in Jerusalem! The signpost that I used in the previous card pointing to the various locations was a good solution for this card as well. This time I added a little depiction of Jerusalem at the bottom of it, above. This grandpa has 9 grandchildren, though I managed to convince my customer that it would be better to show just her own kids on the card otherwise it might have become a bit of a squeeze!
All these cards have long been delivered and as far as I know, well received. The customer who ordered the big-footed baby card wrote to tell me that "The card is gorgeous!". I still have a few more creations from the summer to show you. It's nice to be busy.


Tina said...

The basset hound is my cute!

heartspace said...

I think your work is really unique.
