Showing posts with label Drums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drums. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Ori and Benjo

Ori's mum asked me to make a 21st birthday card for her son showing him holding a large bar with huge weights on over his head. I pointed out to her that I had actually shown him with weights on last year's card, but this year she wanted the bar to be over his head! It was going to be slightly different.
She told me that Ori wears black adidas shorts and a black adidas T-shirt for the gym. He has grown a beard since last year. I needed to add a 21 to the card as well.
I really captured his likeness on this card - I think it was the beard - and Ori himself replied to my own birthday greeting by saying "Great card by the way!".
Benjamin (or Benjo) turned 7. Last year I showed him kicking a football on his birthday card and, when he turned 5 it was all about his new bicycle. This year mum asked me to show him with a football and his darbuka, or goblet drum as it is also known.
I have shown Benjamin, below, with his black and white football under one arm and his darbuka tucked under the other. I  managed to make out the brand of his drum from the photo mum sent me, so added that to the skin of the drum. A big red number 7 marks his age.
I love these photos that mum sent me on Benjamin's birthday. He seems pretty happy with his card.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Libi's Album

Libi's brother Ariel celebrated his Bar Mitzvah back in 2013 and I made him an album for his party. This time it was Libi's turn to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah and once again her parents asked me to make an album to mark the occasion.
Libi's Mum sent me a long list of her interests which included magic, jokes, science, astronomy, drums, the American reality competition series Cupcake Wars, and guinea pigs! After discussing with Mum which hobby should feature most predominantly, it was decided that I would show Libi playing the drums. I have shown her sitting at her red drum kit. In one hand she has a drum stick, but in the other a pack of cards, since she really likes doing card tricks as well. To her right are some planets, which illustrate her interest in astronomy, and on the front of the bass drum is the beginning of one of her favourite "Knock-knock" jokes.
Since Libi likes red and gold, I made the background box red and the lettering gold. The album opens the Hebrew way, from right to left, and Libi's name is in Hebrew, with the words Bat Mitzvah and the Hebrew date of her Bat Mitzvah celebration underneath.
I decorated several of the pages inside the album too. I opened with a page featuring a cute little guinea pig, then added some more playing cards on the next embellished page. Some test tubes full of some interesting coloured potions, depict Libi's favourite subject, science. The next page featured the logo of the Cupcake Wars competition, along with some yummy-looking iced cupcakes, and lastly, another page was filled with planets and a telescope, since Libi is keen on astronomy. 
Mum was thrilled when she saw the album. "Incredible book! Thanks so much!" she wrote.
Always nice to have a happy customer!

Monday, 31 March 2014

Noah's Album

I absolutely love the fact that I am now making Bar and Bat Mitzvah books for the younger brothers and sisters of my original customers. Who knew, when I was asked to make that first book back in 2010, that they would become such a big part of my work?
Noah's Mum put in an order for her second son, who celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at the beginning of this month. Noah loves his drums and she wanted the main picture on the front of the book to show him playing his drum kit. Unfortunately his kit faces a wall and it was too difficult to turn the whole thing around, so I had to take an educated guess as to how it is set up. Mum told me the brand and colour of the drums and apparently I got it quite right. Noah was amazed how accurate they were!
The colour scheme for the Bar Mitzvah invitation was orange and grey. I used the same colours on the book but gave him a blue t-shirt and red headphones as Mum told me that they are his favourite colours. I also popped a kippa on his head to match the one in the photo she sent me.
Noah's other interests include surfing, the English Premier League football team Arsenal, his computer and Wii video game console. He is always busy on his Samsung Tablet, either playing games or watching a movie with his earphones, and often sends texts on his mobile phone. Noah loves to watch YouTube videos about how to make stuff out of paper, serviettes etc. In fact, I was told, he'd probably love to come and work for me! Finally, this year his family are fostering a Golden Labrador for the Israel Guide Dog Centre for the Blind. Mum thought that maybe she should feature in the album too. Of course she should!
The inside pages also carried the colour scheme of orange and grey and I think I included all his hobbies. The lovely Golden Labrador got prime position!
When the book arrived in the mail, Noah's Mum wrote to tell me that she thought it looked amazing. I'm so pleased that their second order was so well received.