There was plenty for me to work with!
I have shown Ariella with some paintbrushes in one hand and with a big cake
in the other. To her right is some sushi and a paint palette. To her left is
a laptop computer with Netflix open on it, some music notes and a wooden
spoon and spatula. Ariella is wearing her favourite T-shirt, silver earrings
and has a shopping bag over her arm. Mum asked me to put the logo of
Claire's on the front of the bag, since it is Ariella's favourite place to
Ariella's name and the words Bat Mitzvah appear at the top of my design
and the date of her Bat Mitzvah celebration is at the bottom. The album
opens the English way, from left to right. (Hebrew books open from right
to left.)
The colour scheme for Ariella's Bat Mitzvah celebration was raspberry,
gold, peach and black. I made the background box and border raspberry
coloured. Her T-shirt is khaki but she is wearing a black skirt. The
Claire's shopping bag and a couple of the music notes are peach, and the
lettering is gold.
All the requested colours were used!
I decorated five pages inside Ariella's album as well. They covered her
interest in art, music, baking cakes and shopping, along with her love of
jewellery, below.
* This post has been shared on The Good. The Random. The Fun.