Monday 20 May 2024

"Two Amazing Cards"

Back in May 2022 Mizzie and Jonny celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary. As is their custom, the couple both asked me to make a card for their special day.
Mizzie wanted a card showing her and Jonny sitting together playing the piano. She was sure that Jonny was going to ask me for the same thing and even went as far as to say that I should tell her if he did, so that she could change the design!
I followed Mizzie's request carefully and showed the couple making music on an electronic keyboard, which I knew they were learning to play on. A red heart fills the space between them.
Mizzie was delighted. "I love the anniversary card I ordered! You're so talented!" she wrote to me.
Now Jonny DID actually guess that Mizzie had asked me to do something with a keyboard theme, so he requested something different. He sent me a photo of the couple in front of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece and asked me to recreate it for Mizzie's card.
"Thanks for two amazing cards!" Mizzie wrote to me. "I guessed Jonny's card and he guessed mine too!"
Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Ruth said...

I love how all your cards tell a wonderful story about their lives. You are so talented, Lisa! Your cards always make me smile too!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I love that the couple is celebrating 29 years - that's quite an accomplishment. Both cards are very cute too. Have a good week

hels said...

Imagine being able to play with your spouse on the keyboard at the same time.. that is so cool! And you captured it very well

Anonymous said...


Kim Carberry said...

Aww! What a lovely tradition this couple has. The cards are so sweet and I imagine so special to them. Great work! x

VeggieMummy said...

Beautiful cards. After 29 years it's no wonder that they know each other so well! xx

Joanne said...

Aw, that is such a fun tradition and, of course, you did an amazing job!

Tamar SB said...

I love this! What a special story.

Jennifer Wise said...

These are just amazing. What delightful ideas. The paper cuts are stunning, but I also think it's fun that you used an actual photo in your design as well. Visiting from the Crazy Little Lovebirds linkup.

Tony McGurk said...

Lovely cards, they must have been very pleased with them. You are very talented at card making, quite unique work.
Greetings from Tasmania,
Regards, Tony

Stephanie said...

Beautiful cards, and always such great detail. Thank you for sharing at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #39.

Jayne said...

I love how your cards make an occasion so much more special. These are both beautiful designs Lisa. I can see why Mizzie & Jonny are so chuffed with them. xx