Monday 17 June 2024

Ariella's Album

Ariella celebrated her Bat Mitzvah back in February and her mum asked me to make a personalised album for her. Ariella likes art, music, baking, sushi, Netflix, shopping and jewellery, mum told me. She also has a favourite T-shirt, which she asked me to show Ariella wearing. Ariella's hair is strawberry blonde and she has blue/green eyes, mum said.
There was plenty for me to work with!
I have shown Ariella with some paintbrushes in one hand and with a big cake in the other. To her right is some sushi and a paint palette. To her left is a laptop computer with Netflix open on it, some music notes and a wooden spoon and spatula. Ariella is wearing her favourite T-shirt, silver earrings and has a shopping bag over her arm. Mum asked me to put the logo of Claire's on the front of the bag, since it is Ariella's favourite place to shop.
Ariella's name and the words Bat Mitzvah appear at the top of my design and the date of her Bat Mitzvah celebration is at the bottom. The album opens the English way, from left to right. (Hebrew books open from right to left.)
The colour scheme for Ariella's Bat Mitzvah celebration was raspberry, gold, peach and black. I made the background box and border raspberry coloured. Her T-shirt is khaki but she is wearing a black skirt. The Claire's shopping bag and a couple of the music notes are peach, and the lettering is gold.
All the requested colours were used!
I decorated five pages inside Ariella's album as well. They covered her interest in art, music, baking cakes and shopping, along with her love of jewellery, below.
* This post has been shared on The Good. The Random. The Fun.
Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Catherine said...

You are so clever Lisa! I love the tiny paint brushes and the sushi :)


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

This lovely card has so many colorful details. It's perfect for the young lady. #MMBC

Kim Carberry said...

What a fantastic album. I love all of the detail on the front. It really is perfect. Great work. x

Joanne said...

That is a fabulous album! I love all the little details.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What a great memoir of her Bat-Mitzvah. You paid such great attention to every detail- so lovely.

VeggieMummy said...

What a fantastic keepsake. The sushi and the paint palette are amazing, you must have a very steady hand! xx

Tamar SB said...

The Claire's bag is great!!

hels said...

I didn't realise that you sometimes make an album. The jewellery is so clever, but must have taken a lot of work.

Rashmi said...

This is so creative..thanks for sharing dear :-)
The Art Diary

Anne said...

Your attention to detail is amazing, not only are your little cut-outs just perfect, I love the way you have incorporated all the requested colours. A beautiful keepsake.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Your work is artistry, amazing to see! What a special gift for Arielle! Your attention to detail is incredible!


Muchos detalles y piezas pequeñas para realizar un trabajo excelente.

Ruth said...

Oh I love this fun card and seeing all the cute details like the sushi, paint brushes, computer and shopping bags. You get a real sense of Ariella's interests and her personality shines through on the gorgeous card you made her.

Sum of their Stories said...

What a lot of gorgeous details, such a keepsake to treasure.

Jayne said...

I do love your albums Lisa, as I do all of your work!
The details are fantastic. I love the Netflix home screen on the laptop! xx

Lydia C. Lee said...

So pretty and so personal. really lovely!

Stephanie said...

I love all the detail that you put into your work. It's beautiful.
Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #43.

Stephanie said...

I wanted to let you know that your post will be featured tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #44. :) Congratulations!