Monday 19 August 2024

The Picture She Chose

A new customer asked me to make a piece of artwork for her daughter, something that she could hang on the walls of her apartment. She sent me a favourite black and white photo of her daughter and her boyfriend, one that her daughter had herself picked out, along with another photo in colour. 
"I love your work and I know my daughter Avital will too" my customer wrote to me. 
I created a paper version of the young couple, carefully copying the details, from the folds of her pink shawl to the markings on his watch strap.
My customer was happy to receive the piece, then sent me a lovely message telling me that she had given it to her daughter. "I just want to tell you that I gave Avital the picture and she loved it!" she said.


Kim Carberry said...

Oh wow! That is beautiful! Fantastic work! You have copied the photo so well. I love it.

Hels said...

A young, engaged couple with all of the romance but none of the misery of the world in joy. Long may your picture remind them of this wonderful period.

Joanne said...

That is beautiful!!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

They're such a beautiful, young couple. Your steps in creating them in art are fascinating. Do you every just do pencil drawings? I bet they'd be fabulous too. Your portrait of them is wonderful! Happy Monday! #MMBC

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Lovely! This will be cherished, I just know it! Visiting from #MMBC

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What a perfect match up of that young couple. You did an amazing job. I'm sure they will treasure it.

Anne said...

A beautiful picture I can understand why your customer was so happy with it. You have such a unique talent for capturing things so perfectly.

VeggieMummy said...

Such a beautiful photo and you certainly did it justice. xx

Shiju Sugunan said...

That's a stunning piece! It captures the couple's love perfectly.

NCSue said...

You're so talented, Lisa! This is grand!
Thanks for sharing at

Jayne said...

This is amazing Lisa. You've nailed every single detail! Such a beautiful keepsake to treasure. x

Stephanie said...

Lisa, this is truly beautiful. You captured every detail beautifully. I absolutely love this creation. Thank you for sharing your beautiful card with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #52.

Stephanie said...

Lisa, I'm back to let you know that your beautiful creation will be featured tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #53. :)

Lisa notes... said...

So lovely! Anyone would appreciate getting a hand-crafted gift like that from one of their own photos. I'm sure it will be beautifully displayed in her apartment.