Monday 2 September 2024

Dove of Peace

A customer asked me for a special card to send to a fellow professional in Australia. She wanted something "Israeli" but nothing religious or political. She had already thought about a white dove, the symbol of peace. After some thought, I suggested adding some Jerusalem-style buildings, in the creamy, gold colour of the ancient Jerusalem stone, along with some bright red pomegranates, one of the Seven Species mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as being native to the Land of Israel. Many Jewish families serve the fruit on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) in the hope that the coming year will bring many blessings.
I created a card which was predominantly blue and white, the national colours of Israel. I cut out a white dove carrying an olive branch. The dove is a symbol of peace from the biblical story of Noah's ark. Noah released the dove to find dry land after a flood, and the dove returned carrying an olive branch, signaling that the flood had receded.
The Vilna Gaon, a scholar and one of the greatest Talmud experts (the Talmud is a record of the rabbinic debates in the 2nd-5th century on the teachings of the Torah), declares that a dove is a symbol of the human soul. The dove is also considered to be a symbol of the people of Israel.
I added the word "Shalom" in English. The word Shalom is a very important word. It has several meanings: it is a greeting word (like Hello, but also Goodbye), it means peace and health and stems from the root S.L.M. that means complete or perfect.
The green trees behind the Jerusalem stone buildings are cypress trees. For centuries, Middle Eastern culture has identified the cypress with the afterlife, prompted by its evergreen quality and the fact that it is roughly shaped like a candle, a symbol of the soul in both Judaism and Islam. It is commonly planted at cemeteries of both faiths throughout Israel - including the military cemetery at Mount Herzl.
Long ago the wood of the Mediterranean cypress was used for building the Temple, ships, and musical instruments. Locals believe potions and ointments made from the fruit of the Mediterranean cypress can treat diabetes, strengthen the immune system, heal gum infections and fungus, and alleviate toothaches.
In 1898 Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism, planted a cypress tree to symbolize his dream for the future of the Land of Israel and the birth of a Jewish State. The cypress tree started to grow and with it, the hope of Israel to see a state. For several years the cypress was a symbol of hope for all the Jews who sat in its shade on the way to Jerusalem. Sadly it did not last long; in 1915 it was chopped down and burned!

I cannot finish this post without mentioning the Hamas war on Israel. Yesterday morning, 1st September, it was announced that Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarusi, Alex Lubnov and Ori Danino had been murdered whilst held in captivity in Gaza. Hamas kidnapped them on 7th October 2023. They kept them hostage for 330 days and then murdered them and left them in tunnels, to be found by Israeli soldiers. Their captors had fled. These young people were killed for no reason but hate.
May their memory be a blessing.
101 hostages remained in captivity in the Gaza Strip.
Bring them home now!

Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Anne said...

Another beautiful card, full of meaning. I love the dove. May there be peace for your Country soon and your hostages returned.

Sum of their Stories said...

A beautiful card Lisa, and a lovely explanation of the meaning of all the elements.

Robin McElvain said...

I love this card and even more, the explanation and definitions. My heart breaks for Israel and all the families, including yours over the loss of your Gadi. May Peace and Hope hold all of you close.

Handmade in Israel said...

Thank you Robin. Your kind words are very much appreciated 💔

Tom said...

...peace seems to be elusive, we all need to work to find it.

hels said...

My late mother was named after her grandmother Tybel (dove) and given the name Tova (dove) for shule. Perfect, don't you think :)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I had not heard of the murders of the hostages, a horrific action. The dove has always been a great symbol to me of peace, strength, faith and hope.

Kim Carberry said...

That is such a beautiful card. So much thought went into it. How interesting to read about all the meanings of the different elements.

VeggieMummy said...

Such a beautiful card and really interesting meanings behind the symbols. Having had a tooth removed today (I managed to crack a molar by apparently grinding my teeth in my sleep!), I could do with some Cypress potion!
My heart breaks for the murdered Israeli hostages and their families and I fear that our new Foreign Secretary is a fool for putting an arms embargo on Israel at such a time. xx

Joanne said...

Your card is absolutely beautiful! I am so sorry to read about the deaths of those hostages though. I really hope and pray that the rest of them will be returned safely and that your country can know peace.

Richard said...

So much meaning in such a small piece of artwork.

Jennifer Wise said...

Your card is just gorgeous. I love the dove of peace and the pomegranates, too. When we lived in Israel, we had a pomegranate tree in our back yard, which we'd never seen before. So pomegranates make me think of Israel now. I was sorry to hear about the hostages as well. Absolutely tragic. Visiting from Crazy Little Love Birds link party.

Jayne said...

I love how so much thought goes into your work Lisa. This is beautiful. I'm so sorry to hear about the awful loss of lives. This is so very sad. xx

Tamar SB said...

This week has just been so painful. Sending a huge hug and love to you. Bring them home NOW !

Stephanie said...

Lisa, your cards are always so beautiful, and you put great detail into each creation. I'm very sorry to hear about the hostages. I'm sending you hugs. My thoughts are with all the families and those dealing with these tragic events. Thank you for sharing your lovely creation at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #54. ♡