My goodness me, this card has a story to tell! In August 2016 a customer in the US requested a customised card for her friend Nhi. I mailed the card to her on 31st August and it took 9 months to arrive at it's destination! Yes, you read that correctly. 9 whole months. It was a good thing that my customer asked me to put "Belated" in the birthday greeting! Now, I do want to point out that this is not a regular occurrence. I am happy to report that the mail generally works well for me. This was one of the very few times that something has got lost and I pretty much thought that it was gone forever. I would so love to know where that card has been all this time and perhaps what places it has visited...
Nhi is Vietnamese in origin. She has long black hair and her friend, my customer, told me that she is very pretty! I was asked to include a picture of Lola, her Lakeland Terrier, on the card, and to add a sewing machine, a Hermes purse showing the logo, a french pastry (I chose croissants and a cream-filled éclair - yummy!), a diamond and finally, a sun with a line through it suggesting that she hates heat.
My customer added that "She is coming here in October, so you have time. No rush." Famous last words.
Well, Nhi finally got her special card and actually, it was three months early for her birthday THIS year! She wrote on Facebook that "It's one of the best cards I've ever seen." She seemed thrilled with it and apparently plans to frame it.
All's well that ends well, I guess!
* This post has been shared on Seasons, Amaze Me Monday, Inspiration Monday, The Good. The Random. The Fun., Monday Morning Blog Club, Made By You Mondays, Creative Mondays, My Busy Beehives BEE PARTY, Inspire Me Monday, Project Inspire{d}, Create Link Inspire, Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) and Moonlight and Mason Jars.