Wednesday 18 October 2023

A Time Like No Other

I haven't blogged for quite some time. We lost our soldier son in May 2022 and honestly I haven't felt like there was anything to write about or share here. But I am aware that my blog is called "Handmade in Israel" and that I have shared many wonderful things about the country I live in over the years. It's time to share some not so wonderful news.
On Saturday 7th October "Operation Iron Swords" began with a coordinated surprise offensive on Israel. The attack began in the early morning with a barrage of at least 3,000 rockets launched from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, one of which reached the city that I live in. In parallel, some 2,500 Palestinian terrorists breached the Gaza-Israel barrier and massacred civilians in neighbouring Israeli communities. At least 1,350 Israelis were massacred, including residents of eight kibbutzim in southern Israel and 260 young people at the "Supernova" music festival. 199 unarmed civilian hostages and captured Israeli soldiers were taken to the Gaza Strip, including women, young children and babies. This was the largest sustained slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.
Hamas, an Islamist terrorist movement, launched its attacks during the end of the Sukkot Jewish holiday and 50 years after the 1973 "Yom Kippur War", which also began with a surprise attack. Israel began conducting retaliatory strikes before formally declaring war on Hamas a day later.
I am not a particularly political person and anyway, I prefer to leave politics out of this blog. But these are the facts. Visiting my son's grave at the local cemetery, I discovered six new graves of young soldiers who have been killed in action in little more than a week. There are more new plots in the non-military section. We hear constant booms in the distance of the Iron Dome, Israel's mobile air defence system, intercepting rockets. Worry, together with the non-stop roar 24/7 of air force jets, keeps me awake at night. We have watched memorial service after memorial service on the television of those murdered and killed in action. Last Friday we stood holding Israeli flags in a guard of honour on the route to the cemetery for a former student at our boys' school. We worry about what will happen to our sons' friends and the children of all our friends when we progress into Gaza.
The terrorist attacks by Hamas are pure evil. Israel has a right to exist and anyway, as Golda Meir said, we have nowhere else to go. The antisemitic demonstrations in London, New York and around the world have shown us that. 
I urge you to keep us in your hearts in the coming days.

* The cards are all commissions I have made over the years for young people who are or were IDF (Israel Defence Forces) soldiers or about to start their military service.

Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


VeggieMummy said...

Such poignant, beautiful cards, Lisa. May these young people return home safely soon. The events in Israel last week were truly horrific and my heart goes out to the victims and their families. As for the anti-Semitic demonstrations in London, I can only look on in disbelief. Given that the glorification of terrorism - as exemplified by the people with images of para-gliders taped to their clothing - is against the 2006 Terrorism Act, I eagerly await their arrest.
Stay safe, my friend. xx

Joanne said...

I have been thinking of you and your family and these senseless acts of violence. I pray it comes to an end quickly and will continue to pray for your safety and that of your family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any answers, Lisa, but I feel so sad that killing each other seems to be the only response from either side. So many wasted lives!

Hels said...

I have only one beloved grandchild in Israel and am terrified for his life and safety. One day after the Succot massacre I begged him to let me send him a ticket to fly out with other Israelis with Australian citizenship. He refused of course, because in a year's time he will be serving in his beloved Israeli army. My husband goes to shule every Friday night and Shabbat morning, plus he now sends money to our many relatives in Israel, but the prayers have not reduced Hamas' evil :(

But you are suffering the never-ending loss of a young soldier son, a loss that even pre-dated Hamas' current massacres. Do you have any other children and grandchildren to give love and meaning to your future family life? I pray they have been safe so far.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I was born on 4-1-48 which is the year the state of Israel was formed. I have watched too many wars and attacks on Israel - my whole life. Yes, you have the right to exist. Remember those killers and protestors do not represent all of us in the world. You and Israel are in my prayers as well as my heart. Genug - enough all ready. I am so sick of hatred and needless violence. It hurts my soul.

PaulaShort said...

It's nice to meet you and I'm glad to see you are blogging again. I appreciate hearing what's going on in your country first hand instead of on the news. You, your family and Israel are heartwarmingly in my prayers.
Visiting today from PoCoLo #3&4

Villrose said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! And for the situation in the Middle East right now. It's so horrible. Terror and bombs doesn't solve anything. Whish it was possible for both Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace...

Anne said...

I have been thinking of you Lisa, I did ask a common friend to find out how you were. It's all very sad, and complicated, and I don't see how this can be resolved without so much more loss of lives. It's tragic.

NCSue said...

You have been on my mind with the devastating news of the attacks on Israel and the retaliation in Gaza. What a terrible nightmare. When I was in Israel about 8 years ago I felt safe and saw evidence of respect on the part of Jews and Arabs alike for each others' customs. I know I had a very narrow view of what life was like for people in Israel, but I was comforted by the belief that there was at least an uneasy peace. The horror of the situation now is beyond words, beyond belief. I pray for true Shalom and for protection for the innocent people on both sides of this terrible conflict. The attacks should never have happened. I am sick at heart for you, Lisa, and you are in my prayers.
May God guard and protect you.

magiceye said...

Your cards are beautiful.
All wars are tragic.

Jayne said...

My heart goes out to you all Lisa. It is so tragic that so many lives are being lost. I just hope it comes to an end very soon and that you remain safe. Lots of love xx
