Anonymous said...
"I don't have any answers, Lisa, but I feel so sad that killing each other seems to be the only response from either side. So many wasted lives!"
"I don't have any answers, Lisa, but I feel so sad that killing each other seems to be the only response from either side. So many wasted lives!"
What would you like Israel's "response" to be exactly? Israel has tried everything to live in peace with Gaza. It unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005, and since Hamas took power in 2007 Hamas has invested every penny it has in armaments. Israel supplies water to Gaza so what did Hamas do? They dug up many of their water pipes and turned them in rocket launchers. (Google it if you don't believe me).
Funny isn't it that Gaza is short of everything except rockets?
Israel has allowed thousands of Gazans each day to come into Israel and work. Israel has allowed Qatar to literally send in suitcases of money into Gaza. And at every turn Israel has been met with rockets launched at its cities. And on 7th October 2023, when Israel's guard was down, 2,500 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and tortured and butchered 1,500 people. Whole families, kids, women, the elderly. And then kidnapped another 200 people. What would you have Israel do? What would YOU do in that situation?
Even now Israel is only trying to eliminate Hamas and avoid harm to Palestinian civilians. That is why Israel gave advanced warning to Palestinians to move to the south of Gaza to avoid being hit. And what did Hamas do? They blocked the exit routes with lorries on the 2 main exit roads to prevent civilians from leaving. Hamas use Palestinian civilians as human shields whilst firing rockets at Israeli civilians. And nothing delights Hamas more than when there are Palestinian casualties, knowing that the western liberal elites will lap it up. Witness the world outcry at the Palestinian hospital that was hit 2 days ago. And when Israel gives categorical proof that it was an Islamic Jihad misfired rocket that hit the hospital, suddenly know one is interested anymore.
Israel is in an impossible situation. Damned if it does, damned if it doesn't. So I repeat, what would you have Israel do? What would YOU do in that situation?
I have 2 daughters. I tried to imagine what it would feel like if they went off to Glastonbury and never came home. If they were raped, murdered and their bodies triumphantly displayed for the world to see. If it was my family slaughtered or taken hostage and suffering goodness knows what terrors, I would want the perpetrators obliterated and, to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be losing much sleep over the people that voted for those monsters. As you say, Israel is in an impossible position, but I feel that it has shown admirable restraint in its response so far. xx
I did not intend to produce such outrage, Lisa, nor did I intend to be anonymous. My name is Johanna Bradley and I always have great difficulty posting on your site, which is a poor excuse for being ill informed on the subject. I understand the outrage. You describe a living nightmare and I only wish I had an answer. My humble apologies.
I have been trying to avoid the news as much as possible but it is all so sad and from what I have read you are right that Israel is in an impossible situation. Sending love and hugs. x
Oh I 100% agree with you that Israel is in an impossible situation and I think they worked long and hard to try to be peaceful and accommodating. I feel so bad for all those innocent people being used as a human shield.
Dear friend,
The truth is that no one who has lived their entire life in America can begin to understand what it is like to live in such a situation as that which you face. It is ghastly to even contemplate the horror.
Innocent lives have been lost on both sides, although clearly this was initiated by Hamas. News reports we read here are all too often inaccurate. I frankly mistrust most "news". I can only pray for peace and despair at the probability of it happening. We can but pray and wait for Messiah to come (or come again). I pray for you, your country, and the innocent civilians in all places in our world torn by conflict.
May God protect you.
I'm afraid I can't answer that question either, so many innocent people being killed and for what? (I do understand what they are fighting for) There is so much wrong with this world and it is heartbreaking.
Thanks for joining in with #pocolo
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