The number one thing I request if someone is coming to visit us from the UK is English chocolate. The food is good here in Israel. We eat well. Israel's dairy produce is wonderful and her citrus fruits are sweet and plentiful, but when it comes to chocolate, nothing, in my opinion, compares to the chocolate from 'the old country'.
It seems that others think the same way too. The customised card above was taken back to the UK to be given to a grandma who always arrives here with a plentiful supply of English chocolate for her children and grandchildren. I have illustrated grandma arriving with an over sized bar of chocolate, and the kids in the background already tucking into a bar or two. Lucky them!

My youngest son's birthday celebrations continued long after my last post. We took 14 boys for bowling and pizza at the end of last week and fun was had by all. I have already mentioned that my son loves the scary things in life and was quite insistent that he wanted a ghost birthday cake for his party, decorated with yet more "scary things". This little ghost actually looks quite cute and not so frightening, and I must admit that one of the young guests thought that it was an
ish sheleg (snowman), but my son was happy with his cake and I enjoyed making it for him.

My weekend ended well with a thrilling e-mail from Studio Haus. Firstly I was delighted to see my Little Penguin Papercut Picture feature in an Etsy Treasury recently, above, and then last week I received the e-mail from Adrienne at Studio Haus telling me that my Little Penguin was to be featured in her blogs weekly 'Favs Contest', below. And guess what? It won! My papercut picture received many positive comments and is to be featured in Studio Haus's shop announcements until next weeks contest. Please pop over
here and leave a comment and if anyone is interested in purchasing my penguin picture, it is available in my
Have a good week everyone!
thanks for sharing your blog with me. it is very professional and well put together!
Lots of good news seems to be coming your way lately. Crongratulations on both of them. My sister sends me chocolate from England all the time. I think that is why she is my favorite little sister! It is a lovely cake Lisa and it sounds like it was a fun birthday.
That is the cutest card - I love how the candy bar jumps right out at me.
Wow! I've always loved your penguins and now your penguin picture is the star of the show! I thought your cake was adorable...as for chocolate, in my opinion nothing beats Godiva! I'm working on the box my husband gave me for Christmas...
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