Monday 21 May 2012

Mad about Harry

Whilst I was working on a recent Bat Mitzvah album I posted this image on my facebook page and asked if anyone could guess what the theme of the album was. One clever lady got it in a matter of minutes. Do you know what it is? Want to know? Okay...
Yes, it was a Harry Potter album and the photo above showed the beginnings of a Hogwarts school tie!
A customer in the US read the article I wrote about my albums here. She contacted me through the lovely Tali at Your Jewish Speech and told me that her daughter was having a Harry Potter magical themed Bat Mitzvah on May 19th. She really wanted me to make her a guest sign in book but the problem was that it was really short notice. I mean really short. I hate to say no to any customer and this lady seemed so keen, so I decided to let her jump the queue of current orders and make the album immediately. All I can say is thank goodness for DHL!
My customer answered the questions I had very quickly. She told me that her daughter is 12 and has a summer birthday. She always celebrates it at the beach in New Jersey and absolutely loves the beach and the ocean. She plays softball recreationally and loves to read, thus the Bat Mitzvah party's Harry Potter theme. The Bat Mitzvah girl also likes to listen to music and hanging out with her friends. She has long light brown hair and large green eyes. Even in a rush, her Mum managed to send me a photo of the young lady too.
The cover of the album shows the Bat Mitzvah girl in a Hogwarts robe and wearing the stripy school tie. She has a softball bat in one hand - instead of a wand - and is at the beach, her very favourite place to be. I added a couple of the Harry Potter book covers to the design too, since her Mum was keen to point out that she favours the books over the films.
Inside the album I embellished several pages. The young lady's favourite colours are orange and purple and I gave each page a theme of, yes, you guessed it, Harry Potter (above), and clockwise, the beach, music, reading, and softball (below).
My customer was kind enough to tell me that she thought my work looked amazing and she couldn't wait to see it in a couple of weeks. She really did receive it in that time and there were even a few days to spare before the Bat Mitzvah celebration! I hope that they all had fun and that it was a magical night, in every sense of the word! Mazal Tov Brooke, and Mazal Tov to me too because I just celebrated a birthday as well!


Ann Martin said...

Well done on the impressive rush order and happy birthday too!

cabin + cub said...

very cute! i loved the harry potter series. ;)

Meeling said...

That's awesome!! What a great job you did. I love Harry Potter too!!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Nice work! It is stressful doing last minute orders but it always feels good when they are completed! I am sure the recipient appreciates it.

Terri said...

Great album, Love all the details especially the Harry Potter theme. Glad you were able to get it done quickly and she received it in time.
