Monday 7 March 2022

Leo's Album

Some of you may remember the papercut I made for my cousin's daughter, Lily, when she celebrated her Bat Mitzvah back in 2019. Well, it was her brother Leo's turn to celebrate and I wanted to make him something to mark his Bar Mitzvah too. I decided to make him an album. The date of his Bar Mitzvah celebration had already been moved once due to Covid-19 but I thought that even if there were not enough physical guests to be able to fill the pages of a sign-in book, he could still fill it with photos, greetings and the other messages that he received when he did finally celebrate his Bar Mitzvah. 
Leo is really into American football, specifically the Los Angeles Rams, his mum told me. Of course I knew nothing about them, so had to do some research! I learned that they compete in the National Football League and that their colours are white, blue and gold. I also recognised their name when I heard that they defeated the Cincinnati Bengals to win the 2022 Super Bowl! I am sure Leo was delighted.
I created an album cover showing Leo wearing an L.A. Rams jersey. It has the number 13 on it to mark his age. My cousin, his mum, since wrote to tell me that, by chance, he wore the number 13 for soccer this past season! I must have known 😉. Leo is holding a football (also called a pigskin), whose shape is officially called a prolate spheroid (an elongated sphere). He is wearing white gloves, which the players wear to help them carry and catch the ball more securely. I added the L.A. Rams logo in the background. 
It seems that Leo's mum was delighted with the album. His mum wrote to me:
"First, I am truly blown away. You really hit it out if the park with the Rams. And, while 13 is for obvious reasons, he was 13 for soccer this past season! Thank you so much for this meaningful gift and for your lovely note... I just love it."
I hope that Leo's guests filled the album with some lovely messages when he was finally able to have his Bar Mitzvah party and that it will provide him with some wonderful memories in the years to come of a very special weekend.

Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Kim Carberry said...

Aww! What a lovely book and Leo looks overjoyed with it. I love the football outfit x

Michele Morin said...

What a Special card! Good memories for that young man!

Tamar SB said...

So special!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your card is as cute as the boy! #MMBC

Amila said...

This album is a perfect and meaningful gift for a child. It seems Leo is so happy. You are very creative!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations to Leo! Your album is such a wonderful keepsake for him.

Anne said...

A lovely book, I can see why he was delighted with it. I hope he gets lots of messages in it.

Kate Davis-Holmes said...

How thoughtful and clever of you. #MMBC

Joanne said...

What a lovely book and how fortuitous that his # was 13 this year!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Beautiful job! I am sure he will have fun filling up the album!

VeggieMummy said...

Well done on another excellent album. He can have fun filling it and it will make the best keepsake. I've also learnt a new term - prolate spheroid, who knew?! xx

hels said...

Amila I agree. Bar Mitzva aged boys can still dream about their own football fame, one day. Perfect gift.

Lovely said...

That's a beautiful gift! You are so talented!

Nancy Chan said...

Your lovely handmade card makes a beautiful gift.

Richard said...

Lovely album.

Jayne said...

I think all of your creations make beautiful keepsakes including this fab album! What lovely feedback from Leo's mum too. :) x
