Wednesday 10 January 2024

Yael's Album

Yael's mum wrote to me about a Bat Mitzvah album for her daughter not many months after we lost Gadi. I had not been working during that time and certainly did not feel very creative, so my initial response was to say no. However, I have made albums for her three older daughters - AvitalTehilla and Emuna - and realised that it would not be nice for the youngest not to have one of my albums as well. Feeling it or not, I decided to make Yael an album.  
Yael likes drawing, so mum asked if I could show her holding a pencil. Before I started sketching, I checked whether she is right or left-handed and it turns out that she is left-handed. Good job I thought about it! She also has a teddy that she loves, and a cuddly duck too. Mum mentioned that Yael loves hamburgers, chips and sliced pickles. Finally, she asked if I could put the flag of Israel on the cover of the album.
The colour scheme for Yael's Bat Mitzvah celebration was going to be light blue. I added a Magen David, or Star of David, on the top left and bottom right of the cover, surrounding them with shades of blue. The letters of her name in Hebrew and the words Bat Mitzvah underneath are in gold, as well as the Hebrew year of her celebration, תשפ״ג, or 5783. According to tradition, the Hebrew calendar started at the time of creation, placed at 3761 BCE. The current (2023/2024) Hebrew year is 5784.
The album opens the Hebrew way, from right to left.
I decorated five pages inside Yael's album, each page embellished with a gold Star of David as well. The first page has a plate with a hamburger, chips and sliced pickles on it. The next page, below, shows her favourite teddy bear in his blue dungarees.
I carefully copied Yael's cuddly yellow duck for the following page, making sure to include his tuft of white hair and his rather "loved" shape. Next I added some sheets of paper and pencils, to illustrate her love of drawing and finally, the blue and white flag of Israel.
Yael's mum was delighted with the album. "Thank you. It's amazing." she wrote to me. A good few weeks later she followed that up with another message:
Hi Lisa. I just wanted to thank you so much. We had Yael’s Bat Mitzvah last night and her album made it so special. Her friends absolutely loved writing in it and it really added to the excitement of the simcha*. Thank you so much again.
* Simcha is a Hebrew word that means gladness or joy. It may also refer a joyous event in Judaism, such as a wedding, Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah.

** This post has been shared on Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop


Hels said...

It would be fun to have four daughters. As each daughter was coming up to her bat mitzvah, the older daughters can prepare her for official activities, family events and even advise her on clothing and hair. Clearly each daughter had different interests, as you showed so well.

hels said...

Needless to say, I only had brothers. And in the house next door, my aunt and uncle had no daughters at all.

VeggieMummy said...

That is such a lovely keepsake. You're right, it would have been sad for Yael to miss out on one. Well done for powering through, even though it must have been the last thing you felt like doing. Good thought about asking which hand she favours; that would have niggled if you'd got it wrong! xx

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a beautiful job you did making this album for Yael, and to find out whether she is left or right handed too. Your creation is just lovely, and a very precious treasure for her!

Kim Carberry said...

Aww! I am so glad you made this for Yael. What a pretty cover. You really do think of everything, I would haven't have thought about her being left or right handed. x

Anne said...

I'm so glad you managed to make Yael a Bat Mitzvah album, it is a truly beautiful work of art and it's great that she didn't have to miss out. Well done Lisa, you are amazing!

Stephanie 139a said...

the amount of detail and personalisation you put into everyone of these is astonishing, and I'm sure so very much appreciated by the recipient. thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
