Monday 22 July 2024

Twenty Three

It took me a bit longer than I anticipated to share the birthday card I made for my eldest son's 23rd birthday. My blogging schedule is a little off and I only shared his 22nd birthday card in January (his 23rd birthday was the previous November). I am sharing his birthday card now, before his next birthday comes around!
Nadav is a big Arsenal fan. I have mentioned it many times before. His birthday cards since the age of five have all somehow featured football, or more specifically, Arsenal.
This year I showed Nadav and his girlfriend, Hila, wearing Arsenal shirts. They flew to the UK last September to visit our family there and of course managed to squeeze in a couple of games too! My card is loosely based on a photo of the two of them taken at the Emirates Stadium, where they went to see Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur. The final score was 2-2, for those of you who are interested!
You can see the stadium in the background, along with a little aeroplane and a big number 23 to mark Nadav's age. Nadav and Hila were supposed to start several months of post army travel in October, but the war began and they both ended up back in the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) instead. The little plane was to remind Nadav that he would one day get to travel, which I'm pleased to say happened in the end.
As with all birthdays in our home, there was a homemade cake as well.

Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Catherine said...

Your cake looks delicious! I'm pleased to hear that Nadav got to travel a bit - how fabulous to watch Arsenal play when he was in the UK :)


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Birthdays are fun and the cake is a beauty. I love the card. #MMBC

NCSue said...

I'm glad you shared his card, which is full of love. You have a fine looking son!
Thank you for sharing at

Kim Carberry said...

Aww! What a cute card! I love the football shirts and hooray for the cake. x

Joanne said...

That is a lovely card! I am do glad to hear he got to do a little traveling in the end.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Thoughtful birthday card you made. I'm glad he eventually got to travel despite the initial setbacks.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I'm sure the card was perfect for Nadav! Looks like you covered it all. Glad he had a happy birthday and an opportunity to get some traveling in. Good job on the homemade cake too. I'm not so adventurous anymore to bake my own.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy Birthday to Nadav! Your card was perfect and I'm glad he was able to get some travel time

VeggieMummy said...

Happy Birthday, Nadav! Delicious looking cake and a gorgeous card. I'm so glad that Nadav got to travel to the UK and catch some football! Here's to more travel in his future. xx

Jennifer Wise said...

Absolutely stunning card! It's fun to see the recipient with it, too. Happy birthday. :) Visiting from the Crazy Little Lovebirds linkup.

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday to Nadav! The card you made for him is perfect and beautifully detailed, and you can see from his face that he loves it! Thank you for sharing your post at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #48. ♡

Jayne said...

Lovely card Lisa. Glad Nadav and Hila got to do some travelling eventually. :)

Sinea said...

What a great card! Happy Birthday to your son ♥