Sunday 1 March 2009

It's Springtime... in my shop

We've had more much needed rain over the last few days here in Israel, but in the meantime I have been preparing cards for Spring! The Easter cards (above) and Passover cards (below) are now available in my shop and I'd love you pop over and have a look. For those of you who are intrigued by the Hebrew greeting, as well as by the English one on my Passover cards, it simply says "May you have a happy and kosher Passover". Shortly after I uploaded the new cards into my shop, I was delighted to receive an e-mail from Batya of Art Definition telling me that she had included my Easter cards in her latest Etsy treasury. It was a beautiful treasury showing the work of many talented folk here in the 'Holy Land' and I was very excited to be included in such a lovely collection. My Easter cards, with their daffodils and daisies, are in the top left corner (see below). Finally, I also received a message the very same day from JewelrybyJozie letting me know that my Japanese Woman papercut picture had been chosen on her blog as her pick of the day.
What an exciting day for me!


Anonymous said...

congrats on the treasury! These look really great - you make nice stuff!

hollyzhobby said...

Your Easter cards are so bright and cheerful.

elsie said...

your cards are so beautiful! I just discovered your blog on the ETSY forum thread - come on over and visit "me" when you have a moment:

Jenny said...

It seems a bit odd to be thinking about spring when we are marching into Autumn! Congratulations on the treasury!

LeelaBijou said...

Oh, very beautiful cards!

Anonymous said...

congratulations Lisa, your cards look wonderful & is that a little bit of unleven bread on the passover cards? how sweet.

Simply Stork said...

those are lovley :o)


LizzieJane said...

Congratulations on being picked for a treasury, it is so well deserved!
Your lovely cards cheered me up today as I am still battling this silly cold!

MandMStudio said...

Great cards:)

Audrey said...

Those are wonderful!! I love the ones in the last 2 pictures.

Joanne said...

I love the Easter cards with daffodils! So beautiful! This is my first visit to your site - of many to come I'm sure. What talent you have!

Di said...

The Easter cards are great - so bright and cheery!! And an etsy treasury too!!