Thursday 10 December 2020

A Student and a Captain

Every year twins Gabi and Adi each receive one of my customised cards on their birthday. Their mum tells me that my cards have become an essential part of their birthday celebrations. I make cards for each member of the family and for the parents anniversary too. They have built up quite a collection by now!
Last year both guys had been travelling. Gabi had been swimming with sharks in Belize, Central America and Adi went to Bulgaria. I am glad they did it last year and not this year!
This year the guys turned 24. Gabi is now a student at the Open University of Israel. He is studying computer science and has moved into a new flat in Jerusalem. I have shown him sitting at his desk, his laptop open in front of him. A paper on his desk has מדעי מחשב, computer science, printed on it. Behind him I added the logo of the Open University of Israel and a little sign showing that he is in a new home.
Adi is now a captain in the Israeli army. He recently spent a week doing army work in a hotel in the north of the country. It was of course top secret work and he had to do a coronavirus test before he went, but his family teased him about his hotel stay.
Mum asked me to show him outside his hotel, by the pool. He isn't in uniform but is proudly pointing to a badge on his T-shirt that says סרן or captain. Behind him is a poolside umbrella but also a "Top Secret" sign and a little picture of a man taking the coronavirus test. Finally, a big 24 marks his age.
It seems that mum was pleased. "Great cards Lisa. Perfect!" she wrote to me.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Your cards mark the years and events of their lives. Hope they have a scrapbook holding the treasures.

VeggieMummy said...

Wonderful cards. I'm always amazed - both by the quality of your artwork and the range of interests of the recipients. xx

Tamar SB said...

Happy birthday to them!
Happy Chanukah, too!

Soma @ said...

I am not surprised that your cards are an essential part of their birthday celebration. You have represented their year so wonderfully in your artwork!


Sharon Wagner said...

Great smiles all. Happy Holidays!

Jayne said...

Fab cards as always Lisa. I love how your cards have become a tradition for many. I can see why though, they are so lovely. x

Powell River Books said...

When wonderful things to keep as remembrances. - Margy

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

These cards are so good!! love the laptop, it looks so cute #MMBC

Junie-Jesh said...

Wow, that is incredible - a captain at 24 - amazing! You are not one who runs out of creativity, having mad cards for this family for a number of years. You are another amazing one, Lisa! Always love your stories for the ones you make cards for - it gives a personal touch - thank you for sharing them with All Seasons! Have an extraordinary week, Jesh

Chickenruby said...

Happy Birthday to them both, lovely to reflect their different interests.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and see you back with #pocolo in the new year
