Monday 4 April 2022

Afeka Caves

The Afeka caves are located north of Ramat Aviv Gimel, a residential neighbourhood in Tel Aviv. The caves, a Samaritan cemetery, are carved into the kurkar rock, adjacent to the Ayalon highway, a major highway in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. To the north of the caves are the gas facility of Pi Glilot and a military base.
The cave site was discovered in 1951 during the construction of the coastal railway connecting Tel Aviv and Haifa and was investigated by the field archaeologist Jacob Kaplan. The place was then re-explored in 1989 by the Israel Antiquities Authority, during the construction of the highway.
Known to many because of the parable of the Good Samaritan told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, the Samaritans are Israel's smallest religious community. They claim descent from the biblical tribes of Menashe and Ephraim, the sons of Joseph. Their religion is closely intertwined with Judaism. They believe that God chose Mount Gerizim near the city of Nablus in the West Bank as the site for his dwelling, while Jewish people hold that God chose Mount Zion in Jerusalem and built their temple there. Their name comes from the region called "Samaria" which contains Mount Gerizim.
The present-day population of Samaritans, numbering about 800 members, is divided between the village of Kiryat Luza, situated on Mount Gerizim, and the Israeli city of Holon. The Samaritans of Kiryat Luza hold dual Israeli and Palestinian Authority citizenship and speak Hebrew and Arabic, whilst those living in Holon primarily speak Hebrew. The area of the village and Mount Gerizim is under full Israeli control and can be accessed by Israelis.
A total of 8 caves with 15 individual burial sites were discovered at the Samaritan cemetery. It was used by the Samaritans in the 4-5th centuries CE. Burials stopped there after the Samaritian rebellion of 529 CE, when they launched a war to create their own independent state. By 531 the rebellion had been put down. The Byzantines destroyed the Samaritan settlement.
Memorial vessels discovered in the burial sites included decorated pottery candles, glass vessels, rings, pendants, coins and an amulet made from a thin plate of bronze bearing passages from the Bible in Samaritan script.
Outside one of the caves was a rolling stone, above. This heavy stone was used to seal the entrance after burial, in order to stop animals and grave-robbers entering, and also to prevent the "impurity" (Tumah) escaping.
Today the Afeka Caves and adjacent Drezner Grove offer a lovely hike close to Tel Aviv. We visited in March, when the red anemones and the dark purple Coastal Iris were at their best! If you visit during December and January, you will see Narcissus flowers, which I last went searching for in 2017. The Narcissus field is north of the caves.
A sign at the southern entrance to the park says that it is now called the Glilot Eco park (אקו פארק גלילות). There is some concern that the Tel Aviv municipality will build apartments here. It would be terrible to lose this special natural space. Along with the burial caves, signs told us that animals and birds such as the striped newt, Mediterranean chameleon, the Indian crested porcupine and the common kestrel can all be seen in the area. Instead of green fields, wild flowers and animals, how sad would it be to see only concrete, cars and buildings?
Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Fascinating history - I've often wondered if there was still Samarians around. You mentioned they believe in a different mountain for God but do they have similar laws as Judaisum? #MMBC

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was so interesting! I hope these caves will be preserved for their historical significance. In the Christian bible, Jesus was buried in a cave and the entrance was covered with a large rock, similar to what was done in these caves.

I recently researched more about the origins of Ukraine, as both my maternal grandparents came from an area in it, and read the history of the Persians, Samaritans, and Byzantines all invading it in its early history. It seems that region of the world has been fought over from the beginning of time.

VeggieMummy said...

What a fascinating place. Fingers crossed that it is preserved, it would be such a shame to lose it. xx

Kim Carberry said...

What an interesting place to visit and beautiful photos. I really hope they don't build apartments on it, it would be such a waste. x

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh I hope they save that field from developers! I was interested (and saddened) to learn that your country like much of ours has to fight that kind of greed to save wild places. The history of the Samaratians was so interesting. That really was a perfect place to hike, the beauty, wildflowers, and the history that comes alive when you see the remnants of it. Thanks for taking us along.

Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) said...

What a beautiful spot for a hike and the history of the caves and the Samaritans is so interesting. I really hope that the area isn't developed, what a shame it would be to build over such a beautiful and historic spot. #MMBC

Amila said...

It is interesting to read and know about historical places and stories. This cave is amazing and shows a part of history. Flowers are beautiful too. Thanks for sharing these details with us.

Tamar SB said...

What a cool place to explore! Spring is springing in Israel!

Soma @ said...

Fascinating. I also hope that it is preserved. Beautiful flower photos.


Rambling Woods said...

Oh no, not for apartments...We have watched the mature woods here being cut back for shopping and apartments while there are empty stores all over...Why?.....Only 800 members is a very small group....

elli said...

I had no idea there was a Sanaritan burial site in Gush Dan!!! Beautiful photos

Tom said...

...a wonderful history lesson in a beautiful setting. Thanks for sharing it.

Crafty Green Poet said...

That's a fascinating historical site and such a beautiful array of flowers too

Michele Morin said...

Fascinating! But not sure that I would actually go into the cave!

Catherine said...

I love exploring Israel through your blog! So fascinating to read the history of the caves :)


hels said...

I was going to ask the very same thing Michele. Assuming you are not claustrophobic, are the caves explorable, safe and well lit?

riitta k said...

Wow, interesting caves and such beautiful flowers!

NCSue said...

Fascinating to know that there is still a Samaritan community in Israel. At the time the Gospels were written the relationship between Jewish and Samaritan people was said to be poor. Is that still true today?
Thank you for sharing at I never cease to be amazed at the way history comes alive in Israel.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Interesting caves! The artifacts excavated from here must be fascinating too. Those wild irises are gorgeous!

Villrose said...

I remember the story of the good Samaritan.
Beautiful flowers!

Mae Travels said...

Both your description of the remains of ancient civilizations and the photos of beautiful wild flowers (especially the native iris) are wonderful.

best... mae at

Jayne said...

What a sacred place. Fingers crossed it hasn't become a building site! It would be such a shame. x
