Wednesday 29 January 2020


My youngest son loves dogs. This is the birthday card I made for him when he turned 15 and this is from when he was 13. He recently celebrated his 17th birthday (how time flies!) and yet again dogs featured on his card. He walks several of the neighbourhood dogs, two of his regular clients being a couple of very cute dachshunds. He often brings them round to our home for me to see them too. One of them, um, left me a 'present' on a recent visit, which you can see on my son's card! It certainly made him laugh when he opened the card on his birthday!
When Gadi went to visit grandpa in the UK last summer he returned home with a Hull City jacket. It rarely comes off his back. I have shown him wearing the much loved jacket on his card, along with his black adidas sweatpants (oh boy is be fussy about what he wears!) and the Blundstone boots that all the Israeli kids wear. The blue T-shirt is a nod towards our local football team, Ironi Modi'in F.C., who he goes to see each time they play at home and sometimes for away games as well. He has a guinea pig in his hand. He's desperate for a pet.
We definitely share a love of animals but unfortunately we don't agree on much else at the moment! He is in Year 11 at school. It's a busy year. He's learning to drive and has his Tzav Rishon, or the "First Draft Notice," from the Israeli army, very soon. He also has plenty of schoolwork and lots of exams this year. Does he get on with it all without being prompted? Not at all!
Happy 17th Birthday Gadi! You drive me bonkers but I'm also quite proud of the creative, smart and super cool kid that you are. You just need to remember you have those amazing abilities and use them occasionally!


VeggieMummy said...

Papercut dog poop! I'm still laughing! The guinea pig is super cute. Happy birthday to both your lovely boys. xx

Anne Fraser said...

I love the card. It will provide fond memories for years to come. He sounds a fine young man.

Claire Justine said...

Another great card, Lisa. Love your unique style and creativity :)

Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at 40 Years Cousins Reunion In Brighton: Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link-up. Hope you can join us on Friday.

betty-NZ said...

Aw, that's awesome work, again!! As for not agreeing, I read a book that basically said teenagers are brain-damaged (like Crazy Uncle Joe in the 'home') until about 21 and that gave me a lot of peace.

Thanks for making 'My Corner of the World' a success this week!

My Corner of the World

Sylvia | Grace for a Gypsy said...

Oh my gosh the dog poop! Such cute cards! I’ve wondered about ole Robin Hood. I suppose every century needs a hero of sorts. I laughed at your mention of green sagging tights…or the lack thereof. Thanks for linking up with us at the

Sylvia said...

Wow somehow my comment on another blog got included. My apologies. I love the cards none the less

Shiju Sugunan said...

Lovely card again. He is handsome!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Sounds like you 2 have a "normal" mother-son relationship. The card is great and I love the "present" from the dog.

Pamela said...

These cards are absolutely amazing!! Your love shows through!

Jayne said...

What a fun card. Love the present! Hehe.
I hope Gadi had an awesome birthday. x

Sharon Wagner said...

The small details are so cute like the x and the poop! Good ones.

riitta k said...

Oh, Gadi is so handsome - happy belated birthday! And your cards are always awesome!

likeschocolate said...

Love all the animals on this card. So cute! I hope he liked it!

junieper/jesh StG said...

Love these dute doggies! Patience Lisa, in a few years, you will relate to your son as an adult, and he will have a new appreciation for his parents. They know more than he thought they did, lol! Much thanks for contributing this cuteness to All Seasons, and have a beautiful week!

NCSue said...

Happy birthday, Gadi!
I enjoyed seeing this care - again, you are SO creative!
Thanks for sharing at

Veronica Lee said...

Such lovely doggies! LOL @ the dog poop!

Have a great day!

Donna @ Modern on Monticello said...

Adorable card and such great memories. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

Chickenruby said...

Happy 17th birthday to your son, love the card, especially the little x on the Dachshund bum, thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back tomorrow

Anne said...

What a cute guinea pig and the poop gave me a giggle too. Belated birthday wishes to Gadi, I hope he enjoyed his special day (and cake)