Thursday 6 May 2021

Coffee, Biscuits, Golf and Gardening

A customer requested a card for her mum's 94th birthday. At her wonderful age she is not one for hobbies but her daughter asked me to put chocolate biscuits and mince pies on the card and a cup of coffee too.
I have shown this British mum holding a cup and saucer. She is surrounded by chocolate chip and Bourbon biscuits. I don't know if they are her favourites but they certainly used to be mine! Most British people will recognise these sandwich biscuits just from the shape. I also added some teeny-tiny mince pies as requested.
I made a card for this lady's 91st birthday and my customer at the time couldn't get over the likeness to her mum. It seems I got it right again.
"Lisa they are great as usual. You always capture the essence of the subject. [I am a] happy customer as usual."
This 80th birthday card was also made for a repeat customer. I made a tea and cake themed card for her mum's 70th last year. Dad's favourite things are golf, jigsaw puzzles, gardening, Scrabble and Rummikub, my customer told me. He has dark brown hair with some sliver streaks (but not too many!) and he tends to wear short-sleeved polo shirts when playing golf.
I have shown dad with a golf club over his shoulder and a gardening trowel in his other hand. Behind him is a red golf flag, with a tiny golf ball next to it. To his right are some Rummikub tiles and to his left some jigsaw pieces and Scrabble tiles. I added a green watering can and a couple of plants to represent dad's love of gardening. A big red number 80 marks his age.
"Thank you so much for the card for my Dad. The likeness is great." my customer wrote to me.
My own dad celebrated his birthday recently too. He's a keen gardener as well and in fact seems to have spent this whole coronavirus period in his garden! I had to make that the theme of his birthday card. I cut out a wooden workbench, then added some tiny plant pots, a watering can, trowel and secateurs. Finally I cut out the letters for DAD in bright red card.
He was very happy to receive it.



Michele Morin said...

I especially love the workbench!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

wow - 94th birthday! amazing

VeggieMummy said...

Brilliant cards. Your family are very lucky to get such wonderful cards every year! xx

Tamar SB said...

94!? Kinehara!!!

Tom said...

...80 and 94, that amazing!

handmade by amalia said...

Sweet cards! I've tried mince pies on my trips to the UK but could never get used to them.

Joanne said...

These are fabulous! I love the puzzle you made. Pinned.

Jayne said...

Lovely cards Lisa. I think the little mince pies are fab and the cute jigsaw puzzle. You are so talented. x

Thisiswhereitisat said...

What a sweet card x #pocolo

Chickenruby said...

As usual I'm really impressed, love your cards, the details are amazing

Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back again soon